Creative -

without Nature?

Imagine planet Earth - with no nature left!

Can we be creative the same way we are now?

Or can we create at all?

I ask myself that question and I ask it to all of you!

I travel to different places with a lot of access to nature as well as places with no or little access to nature.

How does it feel for my creativity to be there? What do I create?

What do musicians located in that specific area create?

         Works                                                                                           Collaborations and Podcast





                                                                                                       Liveperformances, Workshops and Talks



        "Here we get some relevant methods on how we, as performing musicians and the audience,

         can make co-creative harmony with nature and each other. Liv reaches out to the world -

         investigates and creates dialogue and she supports her theses with music

        in a poetic, sensual way."

        - Ulla Britt, singer, coach and singersongwriter, Musik over Præstø Fjord, 2/8 2024

      "Liv has been a patient and fantastic collaborative partner throughout the process.

       We are proud to have such a thoughtful work on our stage on its own terms.

       We hope that more people will have the opportunity to experience it in the time to come,

       when the work will only become more and more relevant."

       - Nanna Ruus, ALICE Works, 28/11 2023

       "We thanks for an incredibly good collaboration regarding the development

        and implementation of the Spotlight workshop for our special exhibition 'RED'

        at Vejle Art Museum. It was a busy, fun and intense day with over 80 young people

        from grades 7-8 who had to produce their own soundtracks inspired by the exhibition.

        Liv was professional, a great sparring partner and well prepared to work with.

        She had a good connection with the young people and they produced some great soundtracks.

       We give Liv our best recommendations and look forward to future collaborations."

       - Karen Carey, Project manager and school service at the Vejle museums, 1/5 2023

        " incredibly exciting project with wide potential for further

         dissemination of nature´s power and voice."

       - Adam Bouttai,**** GAFFA Magazine, 10/10 2021

        "Liv and My creates a unique learning environment where children playfully

         navigate the tension between nature, art and technology.

        The workshop illuminates our world through a creative perspective,

        which gives the children the opportunity to experience how the connection

        between nature and technology can be understood and interpreted

        in a creative and artistic way."

       - Anna Schneider-Kamp, Henriette Hørlück school, 3/9 2022

        "Liv works purposefully with her project, there in the best cross-artistic way,

         unites different artistic expressions from music, visuals, theater, litterature and performance."

        -Poul Udbye Pock-Steen, organizer BRO, 7/11 2020

        "Liv is able to carry out extraordinary artistic works as the multitalented instrumentalist,

         composer and podcast producer she is.

         I have been supervising her project and find the resulting writings as an interesting

         interdiciplinary contribution from both an academic and an artistic perspective"

       - Morten Carlsen. Lecturer in Art and Culture Studies at RMC, Copenhagen, 2021.

      "The concept of Creative - without Nature? matched perfectly with our festival theme,

        "Art and Science."  Liv gave an engaging presentation about her research before her

        musical performance. In all, the event opened the audiences curiosity and we were

       encouraged to think more about the interplay between nature, technology and creativity."

      - Michael Magee, organizer Odense Science Lab/Odense Havnekulturfestival, 29/5 2021


                                                               Supported by

                       Statens Kunstfond, Art Council England, Dansk Komponistforening,

              KODA Dramatik, Kulturregion Fyn, Sydbank Fonden, Dansk Artist Forbund, DPA,

                          Odense Musikudvalg, AUTOR/ Sangskrivere og Komponister.

                                                                  Winner of

                  The Danish National Academy of Music and Danish Musicians Association

                                    - Entrepreneurship Award 2021.